
The WeShare consortium relies on a governance structure involving
an executive committee as well as numerous advisory committees

Description of the committees

Executive committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the general strategy of the WeShare Programme. It defines the priorities for the development, use and exploitation of the WeShare infrastructure by favouring research in SHS and QDV, while putting the Citizen at the heart of the research.

It meets 3 times a year and is composed of the legal representatives of each partner who are voting members.
Once a year, the representatives of the ANR, the Ligue Contre le Cancer as well as the Chairmen of the Unicancer Expert Groups are also invited as non-voting members.

Special committees

The Economic Valorisation Committee is composed of a representative competent in intellectual property or valorisation appointed by each of the Parties.
The mission of the Valorisation Committee is to ensure the proper valorisation of the infrastructure and its sustainability in 8 years.

The Communication and Community Interaction Committee is responsible for defining the communication plan and interactions in relation to the animation of the participants' and researchers' community.

Operational/Coordination Committees

Infrastructure Committee: It monitors compliance with deadlines and defines, on the proposal of Unicancer or one of the Parties, the solutions to be applied in case of execution problems. In the development phase of the Platform, it proposes to the Executive Committee the development plan with regard to the technical constraints examined by the technical committee and the researchers' expectations. For the use of the Platform, it carries out the overall processing of letters of request.

Technical Committee: For the development and maintenance of the Platform, it follows and gives advice on the technical orientations of the development of the Weshare platform.
On the use of the Platform, it can brings an expertise and evaluates the requests of use of the Platform which would require an evolution. He is the guarantor of the standardisation and the homogeneity of the data to allow the data to be FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).

Ethics and Patients' Rights Committee

The mission of the Ethics and Patients' Rights Committee is to give advice, in complete independence from the institutions to which the partners belong, on questions of a deontological and ethical nature posed by the Executive Committee or the Scientific Committee.

Consultant Committees

The Advisory Board: The mission of the International Advisory Committee is to provide integration advice on new functionalities related to the development and expansion phase of the WeShare infrastructure that will follow. It will be composed of international experts from outside the Project, appointed by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Infrastructure Operational Committee.

The Researchers' Committe: The mission of the Researchers' Committee will be to contribute to the definition of the scientific orientations of the Project. It will be composed of scientists as well as invited members who are experts in the scientific field and/or in information systems. Its secretariat will be provided by Unicancer. Its mission will also be to test the functionalities of the Infrastructure and to ensure the adequacy between the service and the objectives of the programme

The Citizens' Committee: It will have the task of ensuring that the Project is as close as possible to the citizens' expectations. The Committee will be composed of citizens (patients, former patients, participants, and concerned persons, hereafter collectively "Citizens").

Scientific Committee

The scope of the Scientific Committee is to review and evaluate the submitted letters of request for access to the Data WareHouse.