WeShare Services

WeShare can give you a variety of digital tools
to accelerate your research.

  • All
  • Development completed in 2023
  • Development completed in 2024
  • Development to come
  • Development available in 2025
eQuestionnaires<br />
data collection

A library of validated questionnaires, compiled by experts in quality of life research and the social and human sciences applied to oncology, is available for use in your study through the WeShare platform. These questionnaires can be filled by

  • patients (ePROs)
  • stakeholders including caregivers, health care professionals (eSRO)

passive data

  • Interoperability with commercial wearables ( Garmins, Withthings) (2024)
  • Interoperability with multiwerable platforms (2026)
features for qualitative research

and automated transcription
for qualitative research

WeShare is building an automated transcription assistant for audio and video data to be used in qualitative and mixed methods research.

  • Link to video conference (2025)
  • Transcription of video conference (2025)
  • Transfer and hosting of audio and video datab(2026)

A digital tool to collect simple clinical data by health care professionals or reseasrchers in a standardized format

Automated remote data capture

Weshare is working to enable collection of data from health electronic records and health or medical devices using L7 FHIR data format for data import and export


Alows to remotely check if participants are elligible to join a study. In this process, the patient can independently fill out online forms to assess their eligibility for a study. Based on their responses, the system will automatically further steps


Our eConsent enables efficient and accurate decentralized trial data capture with standard single and dual signature.

  • Mobile / Computer Browser / Tablet compatible

A web-based randomization service for pragmatic clinical trials conceptualized with WeShare’s biostatistician advisers.

WeShare for multicentric international studies

For study participants, Weshare is a platform that allows them to choose their preferred language from a list of available options: English, Italian, French, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Romanian, Greek, Portuguese, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian. Researchers and healthcare professionals can navigate the platform in either French or English (Available in 2025).

Study<br />
  • Costumized questionnaires to match study data collection time points
  • Participation in multiple cohorts or involvement in ancillary studies
WeShare Documentation
A collaborative and structured environment for document management (PDF, videos) and sharing for all WeShare users.
WeShare Automated scores

QOL and psychometric scores

WeShare is working to provide a web-based system of automated scoring of psychometrics tests and QOL questionnaires used in social sciences and humanities research applied to oncology.

Coding Dictionary

or coding tools for
qualitative research

Ensure coding, interoperability and reuse of qualitative data

ePROs Reversal

in electronic medical records

ePros / ePros scores can be transferred directly to medical records

ToolKit of Diversity and inclusion

A comprehensive toolkit with the goal of minimizing the many barriers to equitable, inclusive and diverse participation in clinical trials

ToolKit of co-creation

A set of tools with the goal of helping researchers, participants, and other stakeholders work together to design, conduct, and improve studies.

Methodologic support

For French researchers we propose the expertise of our partner, the National Platform for Clinical Research on Quality of Life and Cancer for conceptual development of studies focused on quality of life, validation, support in selection, and use of quality of life questionnaires, and statistical reports.